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The Zhang Group

@ Northeastern University  

  • (Mar, 2018) Prof. Zhang received a Tier 1 award as a co-PI with Prof. Jeff Agar. Good job, Jeff!
  • (Nov, 2017) Prof. Zhang is selected to participate in the ReDI Leadership Program at Northeastern University.
  • (Nov, 2017) Dali's first paper here, "Precision tuning of DNA- and poly(ethylene glycol)-based nanoparticles via co-assembly for effective antisense gene regulation", has just been accepted in Chemistry of Materials! Congrats Dali!
  • (Sep, 2107) Prof. Zhang received an R01 grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health
  • (Aug, 2017) Our DFCI-NEU Cancer Grant is renewed for a 2nd year of support!
  • (Jun, 2017) Fei defended his thesis, “Improving the biopharmaceutical properties of oligonucleotides and oligopeptides through polymer conjugation and architecture design”, with flying colors! He is to join Prof. Robert MacFarlane’s group at MIT. Congratulations Fei!
  • (Jul, 2017) Fei is on a roll too! His third paper, “Depth-profiling the nuclease stability and the gene silencing efficacy of brush-architectured poly(ethylene glycol)-DNA conjugates”, is accepted for publication in JACS! Congrats Fei!
  • (Jun, 2017) The manuscript by Xueyan and Xueguang, “Modulating the cellular immune response of oligonucleotides by brush polymer-assisted compaction”, is accepted for publication in Small! We are so glad that Xueyan get to bring home the fruit of her short stay in Boston as a visiting scholar.
  • (Jun, 2017) Prof. Ke Zhang is promoted to associate professor.
  • (Apr, 2017) Xuyu won a Best Oral Presentation Award at the Annual Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference! Good job Xuyu!
  • (Apr, 2017) Xueguang successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Investigation of brush polymers for nucleic acid delivery and self-assembly”. He is to join Prof. Robert Langer’s group at MIT. Such a bitter-sweet day. Sweet mostly.
  • (Apr, 2017) Hao Lu officially joins our group as a first-year PhD student! Welcome Hao!
  • (Feb, 2017) Prof. Lanxia Liu from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College has joined us for a one-year stay as a visiting scholar. Welcome Lanxia!
  • (Dec, 2016) I’m thrilled that Xueguang won the coveted Provost Office’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship! The fellowship is highly-competitive and is reserved for students of the highest caliber. We are proud of you, Xueguang!
  • (Dec, 2016) Fei’s excellent in-depth study on pacDNA thermodynamics is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition! The paper is titled “Effect of PEG architecture on the hybridization thermodynamics and protein accessibility of PEGylated oligonucleotides”. Fantastic job, Fei!
  • (Nov, 2016) Xueguang is selected to present in the 2017 "Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium" at the ACS meeting. Selection to this symposium is a distinct honor and recognition in the polymer community.
  • (Aug, 2016) We really appreciate the continued support from the DFCI-NEU Cancer Research program with Prof. Jean Zhao at DFCI!
  • (Aug, 2016) Xuyu’s paper, “Blurring the role of oligonucleotides: spherical nucleic acids as a drug delivery vehicle”, received overwhelmingly positive reviews and is published as-is in JACS without any revision. Just. Amazing.
  • (Jul, 2016) Xueguang is on a roll! His third JACS paper, “Effective antisense gene regulation via non-cationic, polyethylene glycol brushes” is just accepted!
  • (Apr, 2016) Xueguang won the College of Science Dean’s Award for Graduate Student Excellence in Research. Only one student from five departments gets it per year. Congratulations Xueguang!
  • (Mar, 2016) Prof. Xueyan Cao from Donghua University in Shanghai joined us for a one-year stay as a China Scholarship Council-supported visiting scholar! Welcome Xueyan!
  • (Feb, 2016) Dr. Dali Wang from Shanghai Jiaotong University joins us as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Dali! We are glad to have you.
  • (Sep, 2015) Xueguang's second JACS paper, titled "Providing oligonucleotides with steric selectivity by brush-polymer-assisted compaction", has been published! Excellent work Xueguang!
  • (Aug, 2015) Our DFCI-NEU Cancer Grant with Prof. Jean Zhao at DFCI was successfully renewed!
  • (Apr, 2015) Xuyu’s paper on "Light-triggered, self-immolative nucleic acid-drug nanostructures" has been published in JACS, 2015, 137, 67122. Congrats Travis!
  • (May, 2015) Fei's manuscript on "Facile synthesis of nucleic acid-polymer amphiphiles and their self-assembly" has been accepted in ChemComm. (DOI: 10.1039/c5cc01934f). Congrats Fei!
  • (Jan, 2015) Prof. Zhang's proposal on "Supramolecular polycondensation of polymer brushes via DNA hybridization" won the NSF CAREER Award!
  • (Jul, 2014) Prof. Zhang and Prof. Zhao at Dana Farber won an award supported by NEU/DCFI to kickstart their joint project on anti-cancer nanoparticles!
  • (Jul 7, 2014) Xueguang's work on programmed assembly of polymer brushes titled "Polycondensation of polymer brushes via DNA hybridization" has been accepted in JACS (2014, 136 (29), pp 10214–10217). Congrats Xueguang!
  • Xuyu (Travis) Tan joined our lab. Big welcome!
  • (Sep 11, 2013) Prof. Zhang's paper, "Temperature-activated nucleic acid nanostructures", was published in JACS. (DOI: 10.1021/ja408465t)
  • ​(Apr 15, 2013) Our internal Tier 1 proposal with Dr. Yongmin Liu is funded! Thank you COS and COE for your belief in us!
  • (Apr 1, 2013) Dr. Hui Wang is joining the PNBL on April 1. Hopefully he is not fooling us!
  • Xueguang Lu, Yu Wang and Fei Jia are officially members of the PNBL. Welcome guys! Check out their awesome photos under "People"
  • (Mar 15, 2013) Prof. Zhang's co-authored paper, "Imaging mRNA expression levels in living cells with PNA·DNA binary FRET probes delivered by cationic shell-crosslinked nanoparticles," has been published in Org. Biomol. Chem. (doi:10.1039/C3OB26923J)
  • (Mar 14, 2013) Prof. Zhang's co-authored paper, "Effective protection and efficient delivery of siRNA by cationic shell-crosslinked knedel-like nanoparticles," has been published in Nuc. Acid Ther. (doi:10.1089/nat.2012.0390)
  • (Feb 18, 2013) Prof. Zhang's co-authored paper, "PEGylation of cationic, shell-crosslinked-knedel-like
  •  nanoparticles modulates inflammation and enhances cellular uptake in the lung," has been published online in Nanomedicine: NBM (
  • (Sep 28, 2012) Prof. Zhang's paper, "Antibody-Linked Spherical Nucleic Acids for Cellular Targeting," has been published online in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (doi:10.1021/ja306854d)
  • (Sep 27, 2012) Prof. Zhang's co-authored paper, "Imaging mRNA Expression in Live Cells via PNA-DNA Strand Displacement-Activated Probes," has been published in J. Nucleic Acids (doi:10.1155/2012/962652).
  • ​(August 29, 2012) The Polymer Nanobiotechnology Laboratory is now open for business! See HERE for the lab renovation log.

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology


Northeastern University


360 Huntington Avenue


Boston, MA 02115


​​Email: k.zhang (at) Office: 617-373-7089

Last Updated: Jan 2024